Hey everyone: Stop reporting people for saying things you don't like, bullying you, being mean, etc. Block them if they say things you don't like. You can solve these problems on your own.
anyways last ask all for like an hour or so
everyone reply to this I want my notifications to combust
Yuri or Yaoi
Hey ok i lied One more ask. lol
uhmmmm what is your favorite color, alternatively you ca reply something else and I’ll give you a color
whwn you said your profile had nothing you meant NOTHING 😭 dw bro mine os just as bad
am I the only one who checks their notifs every five seconds
Hi brock its chewy the chewy forsakenoomf the chew time oomf the chewy oomf the chewy moonberry oomf the chewy neospring oomf the chewy the chew
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