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Anaxagoras˳ · 12 answers · 9h

what non video game games do you all enjoy? i like the dailies on the nyt page, sodoku, chess and a few different card games.

I like backgammon! I used to play all the time with my dad, but we haven’t gotten it out in about 2 years so I forgot how to play 😭

Visual novels & social deduction games are my favs. Social deduction as in rpgs like BOTC werewolf etc. They're very fun. I also sfw Sodoku and other things.

none of you hoes know the peak that is digging up sight words. and candyland and game of life go hard too but you know those.

Answered By ✦ Mei

Would Pokemon TCG be a copout?

I haven't played that technically, but one of our old hosts did when we were much younger and I have a lot of those memories!! They're all happy memories

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