norman šŸ¤ć…¤ą¾€ Ā· 10 answers Ā· 5d

Question(s) of the day #3
what is your favorite snack? are you a snacker (meaning you eat multiple snacks/small meals in a day) or a meal eater (you eat at least two large meals a day and rarely eat other than that)?

Song of the day #1
Dare4distance by Never Shout Never!

also umm if you guys could play my ask game or just. ask me shit about anything (ie my opinion on characters, topics, songs, etc) that would be super duper appreciated!

fav snack ummm no idea i dont snack i eat
I ALREADY DID UR ASKGAME want me to do it again? daily? even thrice per day? Would love to

Noodles. If your in JJGC you know i send an picture of my noodles every day šŸ‘…

i eat dinner occasionally and sleep mostly. my favourite snack is white rice. with salt

I like rice crackers or rice patties or sticky rice or like any rice snacks :P I wouldnt rlly say im a snacker thoā€¦ Theres days where im just hungry and then days where im fine w eating 1-2 meals

I looove snacks Iā€™ll eat basically anythingā€¦. Some of my favs are ice cream, chips, cacahuates japoneses, most fruits, most candies uhhh yeah ^^ !!

personally i am a snacker.. i fuckingggg love sour candy and chips (nacho cheese doritos and kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips are my current favorites). i also really fucking like this song and i love nsn and Christofer Drews other work (<- hes my discord pfp rn LOL i like his stuff so bad)

I fucking Love snacks Im a big ass snacker snacks are my lively hood. I like chips and ice cream but my favorite snack is any fruit

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