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mofu ✿ mimi · 4 answers · 12h

A QOTD (maybe) from Sybil… it’s really simple, but favorite movie?

A: we don’t really watch movies often but I think mine would have to beeee… the nightmare before christmas? Fond childhood memories… specifically I remember the taste of peppermint M&Ms I would be allowed 10 of as a Christmas movie treat as a small kid…
S: and mine is Submarine. complete tone shift. Alex Turner did a phenomenal job on the soundtrack, really. It’s a coming of age film that knows when to laugh at its own tropes and when to take itself seriously. It’s interesting to have a story told from such a flawed perspective while also not having the protagonist be straight up evil… Oliver is just a dumb kid who thinks he knows better and understands how the world should work. And then when it doesn’t work the way he thinks it does, he’ll do anything to get it back on course. Again though, seriously, can’t understate it, the soundtrack is so good, Stuck on the Puzzle pops into my head every now and then, it’s never left

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