Hey everyone: Stop reporting people for saying things you don't like, bullying you, being mean, etc. Block them if they say things you don't like. You can solve these problems on your own.

sleet · 13 answers · 10h


it'd mean a lot if you all read this, thank you!

—apologies in advance i understand this is very out of character coming from me.

it isn't about me, but i hope my definition of character can provide a source for who it is about. thank you again!


People used to get cancelled for grooming or racism but now you get rentry callouts for being mean

I emoted this document like a commentary/drama yt youtuber. Never in my life have I seen someone drop a doc of straight wall text on someone that they admit is all personal bias. I think I admire your pettiness. This is the sort of thing that only comes out of a community like this. Beautiful.

It’s okay, I HOPE YOU FEEL WELL OOMF AND STUFF, I’m sorry for all the drama that has happened between you guys 😭😭

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